Weather and Refund Policy

Refund Policy

The Florida League strives to put on world class events and provide all of our constituents with the best resources possible. To achieve the best resources, we make a financial investment to cover insurance, training, and planning activities. Those expenses are continuously incurred and are only partially covered by the participation fees into the league. In order to maintain the sustainability of the Florida Interscholastic Cycling League, it is necessary we implement a NO-REFUND policy.

We greatly appreciate you being a part of our family and look forward to seeing you at the next event.

Weather Policy

Below are the guidelines for how the Florida League will conduct races in the event of challenging weather. Our primary considerations are the safety of racers, race support staff, race visitors, and potential damage to the race venue (trails and infield).

Any decisions regarding cancelling, postponing, or altering race start times, lap length, number of laps, etc. will be made jointly by the Florida League Director, Chief Course Marshal, and land manager. Often this decision cannot be made until the day of the race due to the unpredictable and emergent nature of wet or stormy weather. That said, we will do our best to make the call to cancel, change venue or reschedule a race by noon the Thursday immediately preceding race weekend.

The Florida League will make every attempt to notify the racing population via email (addresses taken from rider, parent, and coach emails entered when registering in the Pit Zone online registration system), Facebook, and website updates as early as possible.

Florida League Weather Guidelines

  • Races are held on their scheduled dates unless the race course on the day of the race is deemed un-rideable and dangerous.
  • The League will have the option to delay the start of a race from the published times if the weather has created dangerous conditions.
  • Courses and/or lap lengths may be altered or shortened because of weather conditions. Last minute changes will be broadcast to racers at the start of each wave via the race announcer. If conditions require a change in number of laps during a race, a person will be stationed at the lap line advising riders of the change.
  • The League will develop wet-weather course alterations in case of extremely wet conditions that threaten the trails used for the race.
  • All racing will stop immediately when lightning is detected within 10 miles of the Pit area. Racing may continue once the league director and core staff have conferred.
  • Re-starting a race that has been stopped due to lightning;
    • depending on schedule and number of laps completed, the race may be declared over
      • if time permits, racers will be able to resume laps beginning from the lap line
  • Communication of delays, changes in start time, courses, and so on will be made by the League as follows:
    • on the league web site (prior to the race day, if possible).
    • on the public address system on the race day.
    • via forms of social media.
  • League will not refund pre-registration fees due to inclement weather.
  • League does not allow registration transfers to subsequent races due to inclement weather.

Note: Weather Policy is standard NICA League policy.

Race points

  • If a race is cancelled (not able to be moved or rescheduled):
    • No team points will be awarded and the race will not be included in the season overall team point standings.
    • No individual points will be awarded and the race will not be included in the season overall individual point standings. Riders will still have a “drop race” available from the remaining races (IE: season overall standings will be calculated based on 3 of 4 per NICA rule 8.1) and the 25 series bonus points will be awarded based on completion of all races in the shortened series.
  • If a race is partially completed (some fields complete their race and others do not):
    • No team points will be awarded and the race will not be included in the season overall team point standings.
    • Individual points will be awarded in all of the fields that completed their race and those fields will proceed through the season as normal.
    • No individual points will be awarded in the fields where races were not completed and the race will not be included in the season overall individual point standings. Riders will still have a “drop race” available from the remaining races (i.e.: season overall standings will be calculated based on 3 of 4 per NICA rule 8.1) and the 25 series bonus points will be awarded based on completion of all races in the shortened series.


Contact Florida League Director Jason Miller at